

Aoi Yamaguchi (Japanese Calligraphy) > http://aoiyamaguchi.com/
Schneider TM (Experimental Music) > http://schneidertm.net/
Ozgur Erkok (Performance) > http://ozgurerkok.blogspot.de/
Mika Satomi (eTextile costume and Interactive system) > http://www.kobakant.at/
Ingo Randolf (Flash Light) > http://ingorandolf.info/

Ranbu is an improvisational performance created by a Japanese calligrapher, a musician, a body performer and an eTextile costume maker. The calligrapher and the body performer’s movements control the sound filter and the flash light. As the space fills up with the words and music, the Ranbu (Madness-Dance) starts to take place.

The piece was developed during the two days of residency at the Apartment project Berlin
It was performed on the June 4th at the Apartment Project space.

Photo Credit:
Ingo Randolf
Aoi Yamaguchi
Cassandra Mehlhorn